He's More Than a Moron:

It’s official: We elected a moron. Instead of great again we’re more moronic than we’ve ever been. And that’s going some.
Step aside James L. Buchanan.
Jump back Andrew Johnson.
Get out of town Warren G. Harding.
Our new guy makes that threesome look downright presidential—if not Mount Rushmore-esque.
Yes, he’s a moron, but one word, or even 140 characters, do not do him justice. What else describes him? Let us count the epithets.
He is a twit: a “foolish contemptible person,” as amply revealed by his very own divisive Tweets.
He also is a mountebank: “a quack” or (archaic) “a person who mounted a bench, or platform, in a public place and sold quack medicines, usually attracting an audience by tricks or stories.” This man, after all, can’t get the Congress to pay for his border wall, much less Mexico. And let’s not forget his “university.” Are we “tired of winning” yet?
He is a cad and a bounder: “a man whose behavior is not gentlemanly.”
He’s a flip-flopper of the highest order: “one who makes an abrupt change to an opposite opinion.” This is a man who has in a single breath endorsed a candidate while admitting said endorsement might be a mistake. Then he deleted his Tweets supporting that candidate after he lost. John Kerry, eat your heart out.
He is a peacock: “a vain, strutting person.” He instructed the obsequious members of his cabinet to sing his praises while the cameras were running, a pathetic charade heretofore associated with rulers of countries like North Korea.
He is a whangdoodle: “a person who loudly and angrily complains about things.” He is spitting mad at 3 a.m. about you name it: the media’s reports on the size of his inaugural crowd (which was smaller than Obama’s); his secretary of state’s efforts to forestall war on the Korean peninsula (what was Rex thinking!), and being called a moron.
He is a curmudgeon: “a quarrelsome individual.” He initiates gratuitous spats with the pope, his own cabinet members, fellow Republicans, athletes, leaders of countries that are longtime allies of the United States, and an entire American island struggling to recover from two devastating hurricanes. He (who didn’t serve) also belittled the service of a former American POW as well as the parents of a United States serviceman who was killed in combat.
He is a liar of epic proportions. He insisted Barack Obama was an illegal alien (he actually flip-flopped on this whopper after telling it for years). He claims that millions of illegal voters tipped the popular vote to Hilary Clinton, although there is no evidence of that. There are scores upon scores of others. Google it.
He’s an ignoramus: “an ignorant person.” He doesn’t read books; he watches TV, and apparently not the History Channel. He issued a Holocaust Remembrance Day statement that didn’t mention Jews. He thought Frederick Douglass was having a good year.
Yes, America, we elected this man and he’s got his thumb on the nuclear button. What did we have to lose?
Would that he were simply a moron.